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Group coaching

Working in a group setting – although it’s not singular in nature – has the benefit of having the entire group’s input in thinking.

It magnifies the richness of the discussions and results in developing solutions that are above and beyond what any individual can create.The cohesive bond that is formed empowers each person to develop the leader within and shine in a safe environment that nurtures the group as a whole.

It is an experience unlike any other and follows the same premise as an academic think tank.

Every month Etina will lead a 1.5 hour group coaching session, covering topics like:

  • value based leadership
  • personal growth
  • how to start and grow your business
  • how to transition from your full-time job

If you are interested in growing yourself, participating in our group coaching sessions is a must.

Audacity Business Solutions offers three group coaching packages

1 session: AUD $47

Try our group coaching on for size and see if it's a good fit for you

Pick any session

6 sessions: AUD $267

Take your growth to the next level by choosing 6 sessions.

Pick 6 sessions in any 12 month period.

11 sessions: AUD $467

Maximise your growth with intensive group coaching across 11 sessions.

Pick 11 sessions across 18 months.

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When you do, you will receive this great eBook and other valuable advice on how you and your team can identify the self-created barriers that hold you back, and inspire you to take BOLD ACTION so you can achieve breakthrough results.

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